Worship only Allah
become friends with Him
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
'Do yourself a favor, learn as much as you can,' said Prophet Solomon
Sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad:
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Say: Allah is my Wali (Protector, Guardian Helper)
Do not use the name of Allah where it is inappropr...
Thank Allah for a heart that sees and understands
Teach children to remember Allah
Help to end starvation...in the name of Allah
Thank Allah for loving you as He does
Thank Allah for His diverse creation
Take Allah's support to assert your human rights
Thank Allah for all beautiful places
Love Allah for a lifetime, in exchange for eternal...
May all our moments be filled with love, thank you...
It is obligatory for Allah to help the Believers (...
Allah asked us to fear only Him, nobody except Him
Allah is good to us, but we may be unjust to ourse...
Never underestimate the name of Allah
Seek guidance from the Book of Allah
It is Allah Who gave us vision to delight in His s...
Allah is the Originator of beauty
Allah creates rain from the clouds. He flattens th...
Allah is the Most Merciful of Mercy-givers
Seek Allah's forgiveness for not righting wrongs i...
Use your mind, where conscience lies; do not obey ...
Allah's laws are fair for man, obey Him for eterna...
Fear the wrath of Allah if you've been heedless of...
Life eternal life in accordance with Allah's princ...
Bear Allah in mind while contemplating good or evil
Seek refuge in Allah against the fire of hell
Doors to Hell do not open for the worshippers of A...
Allah's Words are true
For the enemies of Allah, His Prophets, His Angels...
Say: We have no lord apart from Allah, Exalted is ...
Allah gives more to those that thank Him for all t...
Worship Allah from beginning to end
Allah is Sufficient for you
Thank Allah for His quiet presence with you
Rely on Allah for everything, from shoelaces to ho...
Seek Protection in Allah, Rely on Him once you've ...
Allah created man and wife as equals, like garment...
Allah is the Truth, and deception on the part of c...
Allah in our hearts, their deepest recesses that o...
Be good to each other for Allah's sake
God is Victor, God is King
Allah is the Master Builder
Ask Allah for guidance -- at home, at work, on the...
All questions should be referred to Allah
Allah holds the keys to all mysteries we term holy
What is the Big Crunch? Universe in Allah's Hand
Seek Allah with hope, love, patience, and expectation
For Allah
All praise for Allah, the Best of Creators
Allah listens to our hearts
Allah is the Programmer of human life
Allah is Lord, Allah is King
Darwin is a false god of the Jinns/animals; Allah ...
Fear Allah for natural disasters that uproot life
Allah is acquainted with all mysteries, ask Him fo...
Share Allah's blessings with others
Allah knows the purity or impurity of our hearts, ...
Trust in Allah and remain patient through all tria...
Allah knows our hearts, black and white
Allah likes responsible behavior toward Himself an...
Seek honor, forgiveness, mercy and love from Allah
Allah is the greatest
Allah asked us to fear nobody and nothing except H...
Allah is the Most Praised, Most High
Allah has enjoined kindness and mercy
It is Allah Who grants us life after life
It is Allah Who gives us to laugh and to cry
Allah's peace is silent renewal, unlike our stormy...
Allah has promised to deliver the believers to the...
Allah wishes us well
All praise is for Allah, the King of mankind
Glory to Allah, Lord of the universe
Bow before Allah, Lord of the universe
Allah refers to ignoble souls as animals, beasts o...
Stars and the moons run their course, thanks to Allah
Remember that Allah watches you all the time
How to become like Prophet Muhammad
Allah has spoken, through Prophet Muhammad...
Keep Allah in your heart
We aren't afraid of anything -- Allah is with us
Remember to worship Allah
Allah holds all clues to the Freemasonry puzzle, D...
"Lord, increase me in knowledge": Qur'anic Prayer
Allah sends His messengers and books to guide mankind
Allah doesn't approve of donkeys that merely carry...
Prophet Muhammad said, "Cleanliness is a part of f...
Allah and Prophet Muhammad detest the warriors aga...
Remember Prophet Jonah in the Belly of the Whale
'Do yourself a favor, learn as much as you can,' s...
'Seek knowledge even unto China,' said Prophet Muh...
Allah made honey for healing (see Qur'an)
Worship Allah as did Prophet Muhammad, peace be up...
Prophet Muhammad said...
Allah is watching you
Allah gave love to the jinn and animal kingdoms, too
Allah is kind to us
Allah tries man through difficult circumstances on...
Guide your family and friends to Allah, be respons...
Allah knows past, present, future of everything; i...
About Me
friend of Allah
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Anti-Dajjal -- Anti-Anti-Christ
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
How to live...like Prophet Muhammad
Ask Allah to explain you more
How to become like Prophet Muhammad
Thank You, Allah, night and day!
Think like Prophet Muhammad
Don't be like the Christians, for they hate their neighbors as they hate themselves
superior donuts
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