become friends with Him
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Blog Archive
- Say: Allah is my Wali (Protector, Guardian Helper)
- Do not use the name of Allah where it is inappropr...
- Thank Allah for a heart that sees and understands
- Teach children to remember Allah
- Help to end starvation...in the name of Allah
- Thank Allah for loving you as He does
- Thank Allah for His diverse creation
- Take Allah's support to assert your human rights
- Thank Allah for all beautiful places
- Love Allah for a lifetime, in exchange for eternal...
- May all our moments be filled with love, thank you...
- It is obligatory for Allah to help the Believers (...
- Allah asked us to fear only Him, nobody except Him
- Allah is good to us, but we may be unjust to ourse...
- Never underestimate the name of Allah
- Seek guidance from the Book of Allah
- It is Allah Who gave us vision to delight in His s...
- Allah is the Originator of beauty
- Allah creates rain from the clouds. He flattens th...
- Allah is the Most Merciful of Mercy-givers
- Seek Allah's forgiveness for not righting wrongs i...
- Use your mind, where conscience lies; do not obey ...
- Allah's laws are fair for man, obey Him for eterna...
- Fear the wrath of Allah if you've been heedless of...
- Life eternal life in accordance with Allah's princ...
- Bear Allah in mind while contemplating good or evil
- Seek refuge in Allah against the fire of hell
- Doors to Hell do not open for the worshippers of A...
- Allah's Words are true
- For the enemies of Allah, His Prophets, His Angels...
- Say: We have no lord apart from Allah, Exalted is ...
- Allah gives more to those that thank Him for all t...
- Worship Allah from beginning to end
- Allah is Sufficient for you
- Thank Allah for His quiet presence with you
- Rely on Allah for everything, from shoelaces to ho...
- Seek Protection in Allah, Rely on Him once you've ...
- Allah created man and wife as equals, like garment...
- Allah is the Truth, and deception on the part of c...
- Allah in our hearts, their deepest recesses that o...
- Be good to each other for Allah's sake
- God is Victor, God is King
- Allah is the Master Builder
- Ask Allah for guidance -- at home, at work, on the...
- All questions should be referred to Allah
- Allah holds the keys to all mysteries we term holy
- What is the Big Crunch? Universe in Allah's Hand
- Seek Allah with hope, love, patience, and expectation
- For Allah
- All praise for Allah, the Best of Creators
- Allah listens to our hearts
- Allah is the Programmer of human life
- Allah is Lord, Allah is King
- Darwin is a false god of the Jinns/animals; Allah ...
- Fear Allah for natural disasters that uproot life
- Allah is acquainted with all mysteries, ask Him fo...
- Share Allah's blessings with others
- Allah knows the purity or impurity of our hearts, ...
- Trust in Allah and remain patient through all tria...
- Allah knows our hearts, black and white
- Allah likes responsible behavior toward Himself an...
- Seek honor, forgiveness, mercy and love from Allah
- Allah is the greatest
- Allah asked us to fear nobody and nothing except H...
- Allah is the Most Praised, Most High
- Allah has enjoined kindness and mercy
- It is Allah Who grants us life after life
- It is Allah Who gives us to laugh and to cry
- Allah's peace is silent renewal, unlike our stormy...
- Allah has promised to deliver the believers to the...
- Allah wishes us well
- All praise is for Allah, the King of mankind
- Glory to Allah, Lord of the universe
- Bow before Allah, Lord of the universe
- Allah refers to ignoble souls as animals, beasts o...
- Stars and the moons run their course, thanks to Allah
- Remember that Allah watches you all the time
- How to become like Prophet Muhammad
- Allah has spoken, through Prophet Muhammad...
- Keep Allah in your heart
- We aren't afraid of anything -- Allah is with us
- Remember to worship Allah
- Allah holds all clues to the Freemasonry puzzle, D...
- "Lord, increase me in knowledge": Qur'anic Prayer
- Allah sends His messengers and books to guide mankind
- Allah doesn't approve of donkeys that merely carry...
- Prophet Muhammad said, "Cleanliness is a part of f...
- Allah and Prophet Muhammad detest the warriors aga...
- Remember Prophet Jonah in the Belly of the Whale
- 'Do yourself a favor, learn as much as you can,' s...
- 'Seek knowledge even unto China,' said Prophet Muh...
- Allah made honey for healing (see Qur'an)
- Worship Allah as did Prophet Muhammad, peace be up...
- Prophet Muhammad said...
- Allah is watching you
- Allah gave love to the jinn and animal kingdoms, too
- Allah is kind to us
- Allah tries man through difficult circumstances on...
- Guide your family and friends to Allah, be respons...
- Allah knows past, present, future of everything; i...